Realme is set to unleash a bunch of new devices in India. At an event today, the company is expected to unveil the Realme 6, Realme 6 Pro and a fitness tracker named Realme Band. The launch event today will mark a big transformation for the company. For starters, Realme won't have an on-ground launch event. Due to the outbreak of Coronavirus in the national capital, Realme is hosting an online-only event. It has also confirmed that Realme 6 series will be more expensive than its predecessor.
Realme 6 Pro was said to start at Rs. 13,999 as a part of the same rumour that claimed the Rs. 9,999 pricing for Realme 6, however if Realme 6 starts at Rs. 12,999, the Realme 6 Price is likely to be more expensive. Thankfully, we won't have to wait for long to get the official pricing information.
In terms of the specifications, Realme 6 Pro will feature 90Hz full-HD+ display, quad rear camera setup, 30w fast charging support, and dual selfie shooters on the front.